This page has got an inverted chronologie. The main page has got links to different articles, which are news about Egyptian Civilization. Above the news, there´s an audio player and at the right of the page there´s a photo gallery, two adverts and a list of the mosto popular articles chosen by the users.

In each article there is a similar structure being the article the main content. It includes different liks to many pages. At the right of the page and at the bottom of it there are more adverts and the same list that before.
The article is structured in a way that the hypertext sends you to different articles, and inside them, there are differents links too.All of them are intern links, which send you to other articles, not to official websites or other pages.
As we have said, the photo gallery is at the right and each photo is a link to the article where the image appears.
The audio is at the top of the page and it talks about an archeologic restauration about a temple among the mountains.
There are no features in the page, nor timelines, infographics or maps.
User oriented:
The user can surf the page easily with the menu which appears at the top of every article. He can also look fot specific news with a searcher which is at the right top of the page. There is another searcher at the bottom which lets the user look for articles related to the same topic of the article he is reading. There is no chance to publish any comments, so there is no feedback.

Updating of contents:
The first of all these articles was published on 1983 and the last one was published last week (October, the 8th). Among them there are about 200 articles related to the topic.
Web 2.0:
The New York Times appears twice in facebook. You can create an account and become a suscriptor of the page and maybe then you can start publishing comments in the articles.
I´ve compared my page whith the one that Beñat is working on.
The main difference is that Beñat´s page is one of the articles where you can go from the page that I have talked about. In his article there´s is an audio format that also appears on my page and different images about the topic.
On the right of the page there are some adverts and the same list as appears on my page about the most popular pages visited in the online New York Times.
There´s the same chance to interact that in my page. The reason is that the home page of bouth pages are the same one, the New York Times. Related to the features, in Beñat´s article there aren´t either timelines nor maps.
Another difference is that as Beñat´s page is an article,so all of it was published the same day, instead of being published day by day.
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